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- BLOCKSIM™ - Simulator for ultrasound-guided fascia blocks
BLOCKSIM™ – Simulator for ultrasound-guided fascia blocks

Real clinical cases

User-Friendly Interface
Simple, fast and effective user interaction with the simulator.

Ultrasound Monitoring
Real time visualization by a simulated ultrasound monitor.
02 Features
BlockSim™ is an innovative, high-fidelity system for simulating flat ultrasound-guided interfascial blocks and peripheral nerve blocks for regional anesthesia.
BlockSim™ was designed to meet educational needs in the field of ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia by allowing visualization of the anatomy of the region of interest, providing information about the path of the needle to the target, and testing the user’s ability to identify structures . This simulator allows visualization of the needle tip as it passes through tissue, confirmation of alignment with the desired path, and continuous visualization of the administration of local anesthetic solution to optimize its distribution.
The simulator is equipped with 3 very realistic ultra-durable tissue inserts, including traditional anatomical landidenmarks and fascia layers that provide precise tactile feedback to the user while he’s inserting the needle as well as the feel of the typical fascial “pops”.
The BlockSim™ is composed by a lightweight, compact and easy to store black box equipped with high fidelity sensors that allows the positioning of the desired tissue insert based on the requests of the clinical case selected. The black box also connect with a simulated linear ultrasound probe and a real regional anaesthesia single shot needle that can be freely moved in different directions allowing the user to investigate the target and to choose the proper entry plane for the needle. Simulated injection of the local anaesthetic driven by a real syringe is also allowed as well as the visualization of local anaesthetic solution delivery to ensure proper distribution.
Thanks to the BlockSim™ software, the user can practice and develop competency using simulation scenarios based on real clinical images. The available 9 different cases take into account the proper movements to reach the target, the avoidance of unintended structures, the time to finish the procedure and the disposition of the local anaesthetic injected. At the end of the procedure, for each clinical case, a global score is provided to the user based on his performance.
BlockSim™ represents the new generation of regional anaesthesia simulators since it allows the use of real needles, the puncture of extremely realistic tissue inserts and the inflation of the anaesthetic fluid without generating needle tracks or damages.
The BlockSim™ includes:
- N°1 BlockSim™ sensorized main black box
- N°1 Simulated Ultrasound Linear Probe
- N°1 Sensorized Needle Holder
- N°1 Real regional anaesthesia single shot needle
- N°1 Syringe
- N°1 Abdominal Tissue Insert (PAD A) for transversus abdominis plane, quadratus lumborum (QLB) and lumbar blocks
- N°1 Pectoralis tissue insert (PAD B) for parasternal, pectoralis nerve blocks (PECs I and PECs II) and serratus plane blocks
- N°1 Spinal Tissue Insert (PAD C) for paravertebral and erector spinae plane (ESP) blocks
- N°1 Laptop PC with pre-installed BlockSim™ software (9 clinical cases)
- N°1 LCD 21,5″ monitor
- IP67 certified and waterproof transport case for the BlockSim™ devices and the Laptop PC
- User Manual
- Installation support and remote training
- Lifetime free software updates and upgrades
- 1 year hardware warranty
BlockSim™ is a product from Accurate, a company blending international experience, scientific research, engineering and development of truly effective hi-tech educational solutions in the medical field.
CLINICAL USE DISCLAIMER: BlockSim™is licensed for use for educational purposes only. BlockSim™ is not intended for clinical use. Accurate srl patent.
Depending on the chosen configuration, it also includes:
BLOCKSIM™ FASCIA MODULE (9 clinical cases)
• 1 General Tissue Insert (PAD A) for TAP, QLB and lumbar blocks
• 1 Pectoralis Tissue Insert (PAD B) for parasternal, PECs I, PECs II,
erector spinae plane (ESP) and serratus plane blocks
• 1 Spinal Tissue Insert (PAD C) for the paravertebral block
BLOCKSIM™ NERVE MODULE (9 clinical cases)
• 1 General Tissue Insert (PAD A) for axillary, adductor canal, femoral nerve, sacral plexus, subgluteal sciatic and popliteal sciatic nerve blocks
• 1 Neck Tissue Insert (PAD D) infraclavicular, interscalene brachial plexus and supraclavicular blocks
BLOCKSIM™ HIP MODULE (3 clinical cases)
• 1 General Tissue Insert (PAD A) for infrainguinal fascia iliaca, PENG and suprainguinal fascia iliaca blocks