RoSS viene fornito con database di casi clinici per la formazione alle abilità cognitive e pratiche necessarie per operare con un robot chirurgico da Vinci. La somiglianza della console RoSS alla console principale del sistema chirurgico da Vinci è stata convalidata da studi scientifici internazionali.
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RoSS™ – Simulatore di Chirurgia Robotica
01 Overview
Il RoSS, simulatore di chirurgia robotica, è un sistema portatile di formazione medica avanzata che utilizza la realtà virtuale per introdurre l’utente ai fondamenti della chirurgia robotica assistita.
- SKU:RoSS-100
- Categories: Chirurgia Generale, Simulated Surgical Systems, Urologia
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02 Funzionalità
Isterectomia Radicale
Cistectomia Radicale
Dissezione Estesa dei Linfonodi
Il sistema archivia degli indici di performance per tutti gli utenti in un database esportabile in un file Excel
Il RoSS è dotato di 16 moduli a difficoltà progressiva (orientamento spaziale, skill chirurgici di base e intermedi, scenari reali) aggiornati con funzionalità uniche, come ad esempio:
- Knot-Tying Module: modulo per la pratica del nodo chirurgico.
- Blunt Tissue and Vessel Dissection: modulo per la pratica alla dissezione di tessuto e di vaso.
- Moduli HoST™ di intervento su paziente virtuale per le seguenti procedure:
- HOST-PROS-01: Prostatectomia Radicale
- HOST-CYST-01: Cistectomia Radicale
- HOST-HYST-01: Isterectomia Radicale
Pubblicazioni Relative al RoSS™
- Stegemann, A., Kesavadas, T., Rehman, S., Sharif, M., Rao, M., duPont, N., Shi, Y., Wilding, G., Hassett, J., and Guru,K. “Development, Implementation, and Validation of a Simulation-Based Curriculum for Robot-Assisted Surgery “ To appear in Journal Urology (Gold), 2013
- Ashirwad Chowriappa, Syed Johar Raza, Andrew Stegemann, Kamran Ahmed, Yi Shi, Gregory Wilding, Jihad Kaouk, James O. Peabody, Mani Menon, Thenkurussi Kesavadas, Khurshid A. Guru, “Development & Validation of a Composite Grading & Scoring System for Robot-assisted Surgical Training – The Robotic Skills Assessment Scale“ Podium presentation, AUA Annual Congress, San Diego, May 4- 9, 2013.
- Kamran Ahmed, Ashirwad Chowriappa, Rakeeba Din, Erinn Field, Syed Johar Raza, Anees Fazili, Dinesh Samarasekera, Jihad Kaouk, Louis Eichel, John Joseph, Ahmed Ghazi, James Mohler, James Peabody, Daniel Eun, Yi Shi, Gregory Wilding, Thenkurussi Kesavadas, Khurshid A Guru, “A Multi-institutional Randomized Controlled Trial of an Augmented-Reality based technical skill acquisition module for Robot-assisted Urethro-vesical Anastomosis“ Podium presentation, AUA Annual Congress, San Diego, May 4- 9, 2013.
- Syed Johar Raza, Ashirwad Chowriappa, Andrew Stegemann, Kamran Ahmed, Yi Shi, Gregory Wilding, Jihad Kaouk, James Peabody, Mani Menon, Thenkurussi Kesavadas, Khurshid Guru, “Construct Validation of the Fundamental Skills of Robotic Surgery (FSRS) Curriculum“ Podium presentation, AUA Annual Congress, San Diego, May 4- 9, 2013.
- Stegemann AP, Kesavadas T, Rehman S, Sharif M, Rao A, DuPont N, Shi Y, Wilding,G, Hassett J, and Guru K, “Development, Implementation and Validation of a Simulation-Based Curriculum for Robot-Assisted Surgery” Presented at the AUA poster session, May 19-23, 2012 Atlanta, GA.
- Kesavadas T, Stegemann A, Sathyaseelan, G, Chowriappa A, Srimathveeravalli G, Seixas-Mikelus S, Chandrasekhar R, Wilding G, and Guru K. “Validation of Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS™)”, Stud Health Technol Inform. 2011;163:274-6.
- Zorn K, and Gautam G, “Training, Credentialing, and Hospital Privileging for Robotic Urological Surgery” in Robotics in Genitourinary Surgery 2011, Part 2, PP 169-181.
- Su D, and Barone J “Initial Experience with the RoSS™ Robotic Simulator in Residency Training” moderated poster, AUA 2011
- Seixas-Mikelus SA, Stegemann AP, Kesavadas T, Srimathveeravalli G, Sathyaseelan G, Chandrasekhar R, Wilding GE, Peabody JO, and Guru KA. “Content validation of a novel robotic surgical simulator”, British Journal of Urology, 2011 2011 Apr;107(7):1130-5
- Seixas-Mikelus S, Kesavadas T, Srimathveeravalli G, Chandrashekar R, Wilding G and Guru K “Face Validation of Novel Robotic Surgical Simulator”, Urology (Gold), 76(2):357-60, Aug 2010.
- Emily Berry “Robotic Surgical Simulator advances training criteria for today’s surgeons” Briefings on Credentialing May 1, 2010 (Vol. 19, Issue 5)
- Seixas-Mikelus S, Adal A, Srimathveeravalli G, Kesavadas T, Baheti A, Chandrashekar R, Wilding G and Guru K “Can Image Based Virtual Reality Help Teach Anatomy?” Journal of Endourology, Vol 24 (4), April 2010
- Kesavadas T , Kumar A, Srimathveeravalli G, Karimpuzha S, Baheti A, Chandrasekhar R, Wilding G, Butt Z and Guru K “Efficacy of Robotic Surgery Simulator (RoSS) for the daVinci® Surgical System”, The Journal of Urology 181:4 Supplement, 2009.
- Guru K, Baheti A, Kesavadas T, Kumar A, Srimathveeravalli G, and Butt Z “In-Vivo Videos Enhance Cognitive Skills for da Vinci® Surgical System”, The Journal of Urology 181:4 Supplement, 2009
- Kumar A, Seshadri S, Baheti A, Srimathveeravalli G, Butt Z, Kuvshinoff B, Mohler J, Kesavadas T and Guru K “Virtual Reality Surgical Trainer for Robotic Urological Procedures” The Journal of Urology 179:4:Supplement 1, 2008
03 Video
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